Indiana Pizza Restaurant Owner Talks About “No Gays” Policy

If you ever plan on going to Indiana, make sure you don’t drink what these people are having.

Crystal and Kevin O’Connor of Memories Pizza (oh they have left an interesting one) appeared on ABC 57 to show the world what kind of Christians they are. These Cafeteria Christians support Governor Mike Pence’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This hate legislation makes it legal for businesses to refuse service to gays. Crystal had some head scratching comments.

“If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no.”

“We’re not discriminating against anyone, that’s just our belief and anyone has the right to believe in anything.”

“I do not think it’s targeting gays. I don’t think it’s discrimination. It’s supposed to help people that have a religious belief.”

So much for turning the other cheek. Crystal’s father also spoke. He’s a piece of work.

“That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual. They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

The sad thing is, there are people who actually believe this nonsense. Yeah, I’m sure people would happily choose a lifestyle that would be so deeply despised. This nut-job probably thinks I choose to be Black.

Some people might tell you Indiana isn’t the only state to have a RFRA and Bill Clinton signed a similar law in 1993. When it comes to Clinton, the law he signed was on the federal level, and discrimination laws took precedent. The law was put in place to prevent people from being targeted for their religion, not to let bigots use their religion to justify declining services to certain classes. It was a response to the 1990 Supreme Court ruling, Employment Division v. Smith.

And Indiana’s law is the only one that has written in the bill freedom for owners to refuse business to gays. Yep, they can be bigots and use religion as their weapon. I’m sure that’s what Jesus would have wanted.

Posted: April 1, 2015 at 10:26 am | by Ryan
Filed under: News


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