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This dream

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  • This dream

    I have been told there is a way to always stay in these dreams , floating on cloud 9 seems to be that dream , in control of a thought u think not , control is but a dream but for why would I need it here there be no need of captian morgan here nore the to chase any dragon into to any realtion to puff the magick dragon . In this dream I see a leaf fall from a tree and I dont angle it to any other persons perception but mine becouse I saw it fall that was are moment and I understood it to be my mirror of understanding , if only I could fall as beutifuly and truthfuly as my leaf does than maybe I would not wake before I landed .
    a:2:{i:56;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:56;s:6:"nodeid";s:5:"32298";s:5:"title";s:10:"good point";s:5:"votes";i:1;s:6:"voters";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"4";}}i:57;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:57;s:6:"nodeid";s:5:"32298";s:5:"title";s:9:"what ever";s:5:"votes";i:0;s:6:"voters";a:0:{}}}

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  • #2
    ???? You kinda lost me. I like the topic, but it just doesn't feel like a poem, maybe its just me.


    • #3
      well.... it may not look like a poem.... or rhyme like we are use to... but I like it.. whatever it is... maybe we should have a section for prose poetry or rants or like a chaos section ... I guess that is speak your mind...
      anway... the random thoughts written express simply a pretty deep concept... dreams are crazy things..... hope you stick around and post more than once ...


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